Club Accounts

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Summer Pay Club

If you are a teacher or an employee on a 10-month pay schedule, EdiFi has your back! We understand that while you may not be collecting a paycheck during the summer months, bills (and unexpected expenses) still need to be paid. Depending on how much you save during the year, our Summer Pay Club could be just like getting a regular paycheck.

  • One Pay Plan - all funds are transferred automatically on July 1st
  • Five Pay Plan - funds are transferred starting July 1st and then every two weeks for a total of 5 payments
  • All funds are transferred directly into your designated EdiFi account on the scheduled dates and available for immediate withdrawal
  • Review instructions on setting up your Summer Pay account here

Holiday Club

Holiday gifts can be a big expense - one that requires planning ahead. With a Holiday Club Account, you’ll have plenty of savings to use during the gift-giving season.

  • Effortless Saving: Deposits go into your account systematically and are disbursed on October 1st every year
  • Budget Control: Stay within your budget
  • Debt Prevention: Avoid post-holiday debt
  • Flexible Options: Match your holiday goals

Vacation Club

Venture off to your favorite destination without going in debt. Smart planning can have you smooth sailing… or rock climbing… or roller coastering!

  • Effortless Saving - Set it and forget it! Funds are disbursed on June 1st every year
  • Stay within your budget
  • Avoid debt

Special Offers

Account Type
Min Balance to Earn
Loan Type
Min/Max Borrowed
Max Repayment Term
APR* as low as
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Loan Type
Min/Max Borrowed
Max Repayment Term
APR* as low as
Account Type
Min Balance to Earn
Summer Pay Club
Min/Max Borrowed
Max Repayment Term
APR* as low as
Summer Pay Club
Min Balance to Earn
Holiday Club
Min/Max Borrowed
Max Repayment Term
APR* as low as
Holiday Club
Min Balance to Earn
Vacation Club
Min/Max Borrowed
Max Repayment Term
APR* as low as
Vacation Club
Min Balance to Earn
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*APY = Annual Percentage Yield.